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Insights from the 2024-2025 Italian field study: understanding the digital lives of Italian preadolescents
At our recent ASAP co-creation workshop (february 2025) we have presented some of the key findings from our field research in Italy, focusing on children's online safety and communication habits. The research, based on interviews, focus groups, and surveys with...

Development of learning units and activities as output of the Croatian co-creation workshop
At ASAP we are getting ready to complete the pilot activites and test the learning units. As part of the ASAP project, developing the learning units and activities was a central focus during the 4th Co-Creation Workshop (CCW), held in Zagreb from September 9 to 13,...

Schools as Crucial Partners in Enhancing Student Media Literacy
At ASAP we are getting ready to meeting for the next Co-creation Workshop in Croatia, September 2024! Promoting media literacy in classrooms and schools has never been as important as today. Both teachers and student deal with an increasingly complex online...

Preliminary Findings from ASAP Field Research in Slovenia: Insights into Kids’ Online Safety
At the recent ASAP Conference (April 2024) we presented some of the key findings from our ongoing field research in Slovenia, focusing on children's online safety and communication habits. Awareness of Online Risks Our research shows that kids are generally well...

Mobile Phone Usage in Schools: Should Smartphones be Banned from the Classroom?
Digital media is a significant part of our daily lives, and furthermore, plays an important role in the field of education. However, there is growing concern about the risks associated with the excessive use of mobile devices, particularly amongst school-age children....

Digital literacy needs in schools: gathering data
DOBA University has recently expanded its efforts within the ASAP project by initiating activities in schools in Slovenia to gather data and conduct field research on the relationship between preadolescents and social media. This final phase of the project research is...

ASAP Project Uncovered: Shaping Critical Thinkers in the Digital Age
In our latest video, we take you inside the school of Bresso, where the ASAP project's Collaborative Editorial Board is actively engaged in redefining educational approaches through digital literacy. This project, part workshop and part laboratory, focuses on...

Shaping Digital Narratives: The Journey of ASAP Collaborative Editorial Board
Second year of the ASAP Collaborative Editorial Board in Bresso, Milan The Collaborative Editorial Board at the school in Bresso, Italy, as part of the ASAP project, has recommenced its activities last October 2023. The board, comprising kids, teachers, and experts,...

The experience of Portuguese school librarians in digital skills education
In Portugal librarian teachers (often referred to as school librarians or teacher-librarians) play a pivotal role in promoting and enhancing digital skill education in schools. During our co-creation workshop in Portugal we have learned about their experience. School...

ASAP project presented at the ICOLLE conference
At SocialMediaKids.eu, our commitment to enriching the digital experience of the younger generation takes another progressive stride with the ASAP project. Last September, our dedicated team at ProEduca unveiled an engaging poster at the ICOLLE conference,...