da Le Nius | 1 Mar, 2024 | Italy, News
In our latest video, we take you inside the school of Bresso, where the ASAP project’s Collaborative Editorial Board is actively engaged in redefining educational approaches through digital literacy. This project, part workshop and part laboratory, focuses on...
da Le Nius | 20 Dic, 2023 | Italy, News
Second year of the ASAP Collaborative Editorial Board in Bresso, Milan The Collaborative Editorial Board at the school in Bresso, Italy, as part of the ASAP project, has recommenced its activities last October 2023. The board, comprising kids, teachers, and experts,...
da Le Nius | 18 Dic, 2023 | News, Portugal
In Portugal librarian teachers (often referred to as school librarians or teacher-librarians) play a pivotal role in promoting and enhancing digital skill education in schools. During our co-creation workshop in Portugal we have learned about their experience. School...
da Le Nius | 16 Dic, 2023 | Czech Republic, News
At SocialMediaKids.eu, our commitment to enriching the digital experience of the younger generation takes another progressive stride with the ASAP project. Last September, our dedicated team at ProEduca unveiled an engaging poster at the ICOLLE conference,...
da Le Nius | 20 Nov, 2023 | News
Within the framework of the ASAP project the co-creation workshops serve as points of contact between the project research team and identified priority groups: teachers, educators, experts, parents, school kids, school directors. Conducted across the...
da Le Nius | 20 Ott, 2023 | News, Portugal
Second co-creation workshop in Porto, Portugal The ASAP project, an Erasmus+ funded initiative, recently held its second Co-Creation Workshop at Porto Lusófona University Centre. This event, part of a broader effort involving partners from five countries, focused on...